Friday, July 15, 2011

Girls!!!! plz help...does she want to be friends?

First, were both 15, she used to be really nice to me but then started ignoring at took away my nickname, then i told her I liked her through text but never made a move because she didn't say anything, she would barely talk to me but would smile at me whenever I looked at her, I also overheard her talking about her break up with her mysterious bf over the weekend which is the same weekend I had told her I liked her...this went on for a week, then she completely ignored me and started flirting with other guys in front of me to piss me off... This went on for a month...then for only one day we had a small conversation and she had insisted that I would join her group for her assignment, then she gave me her blackberry pin, then i text her 'hi' and she never replies, but she did read the message (blackberry messenger confirms its read) then one day she randomly messages me through facebook me if I can help fix her phone which I did, then,the next day, she got this guy...she kissed him in front of me and she knew she was hurting me and she just comes up to me like nothing happened and tells me what had happened to her phone, and they weren't even officially going out, then that same day.... She kept trying to talk to me by rubbing her hand all the way down my arm, she also starts calling me by my nickname, which she had made up but then taken away during that period of being a ***** teacher took my drum sticks away and she just yells out 'awww poor jorgie'...I tried ignoring her but she just got pissed and said if I keep ignoring her she would delete me off her blackberry messenger....she also moved to the seat in front of me and started stretching back and putting her hair in my face....the next day they were officially going out....but then she moved to the seat in front of me and started doing the same hair thing and we were watching a movie in class that day, so she kept turning around to ask me about the movie and I was on my phone and all of a sudden she turns around and asks me 'what are you doing' and I just reply 'what?' And she just turns around going 'nothing'.... Now she is ignoring me again....why is she acting like this. on the second to last day of school we kept catching each other's eyes and then she just stared and held it, then she gave me a wassup nod...i just returned and we did that back and forth for a moment... then on the last day of school she just tells me 'wassup jorge' but never says bye... why is she some what nice to me on the last days of school, whenever she writes something about her bf on FB she gets so specific if someone says 'can i have ur number' she says 'just message me cuz i have a boyfriend so yah'... my frind says that its jus that she want me to see it and make me jealous, he also ssays its pay back...but for what

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