Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I want to play pro soccer help?

Wait you're 12 and you want to play pro? Whoa there! Haha i'm in your exact position :P Keeper haha but '97 here but i would say tryout for odp because literally they have amazing coaches and players that will definitely challenge you :) Look for the best possible clubs you can get into, and always, always, take games practices scrimages anything seriously you never know who is watching... But yeah i wouldn't really know how exactly to get there considering i play u-15 club soccer :P, but ODP has been amazing for me, if you're really that good and make it to the national team... Well there you go, but before you do go to the tryouts (Around november depending where you are) you HAVE to be ready ODP is beyond serious and tough... Just hope for the best

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